Directory entries for 'Folk Dance/Ceilidh Bands'
Name Short DescriptionContact
Accordion to Taste Versatile, One Man with Full Band Sound brian graham
Backalong Based in South Devon Steve Verge
Barnbuskers Ceilidh and Barn Dance Band Ceilidh and barn dance band for Devon and Somerset Judy Mapledoram
Blue Jewel Ceilidh Band Available all over South-West. Own caller. Kip Pratt
Dancing Keys Lively band with pianos & fiddle Hazel Ridd
Hips & Haws Lively band with caller Wendy Wilson
Home Brew Band 2, 3 or 4 piece band for all occasions Colin Andrews
The Dawntreader Ceilidh Band 3 piece Ceilidh and Barn Dance Band with Caller Mel Norris
The Mooncoin Barn Dance Band 2,3 or 4 piece ceilidh band + caller Anne Gill
Winkeilidh Band Lively band, Caller available. Colin Andrews